此商标政策旨在帮助你了解如何在 Commons Conservancy 内使用 Tauri 计划拥有的 TAURI 商标、服务标记和徽标。
¥This trademark policy was prepared to help you understand how to use the TAURI trademarks, service marks and logos owned by the Tauri Programme within the Commons Conservancy.
¥While our software is available under a free and open source software license, that copyright license does not include a license to use our trademark, and this Policy is intended to explain how to use our marks consistent with background law and community expectation.
¥This Policy covers:
我们的商标和服务标记:TAURI, TAO, WRY
¥Our word trademarks and service marks: TAURI, TAO, WRY
我们的徽标:TAURI、TAO、WRY 徽标(以及所有视觉衍生品)
¥Our logos: The TAURI, TAO, WRY logos (and all visual derivatives)
¥This policy encompasses all trademarks and service marks, whether they are registered or not.
¥General Guidelines
每当你使用我们的标记之一时,你必须始终以不会误导任何人的方式进行,让他们了解他们从谁那里得到了什么。例如,当你分发 TAURI 软件的修改版本(又名 Fork)时,你不能说你正在分发 TAURI 软件,因为收件人可能不了解你的修改版本和我们自己的版本之间的差异。
¥Whenever you use one of our marks, you must always do so in a way that does not mislead anyone about what they are getting and from whom. For example, you cannot say you are distributing TAURI software when you’re distributing a modified version of it (aka a Fork), because recipients may not understand the differences between your modified versions and our own.
¥You also cannot use our logo on your website in a way that suggests that your website is an official website or that we endorse your website.
不过,你可以说你喜欢 TAURI 软件,你参与 TAURI 社区,你正在提供 TAURI 软件的未修改版本。
¥You can, though, say you like TAURI software, that you participate in the TAURI community, that you are providing an unmodified version of the TAURI software.
¥You may not use or register our marks, or variations of them as part of your own trademark, service mark, domain name, company name, trade name, product name or service name.
¥Trademark law does not allow your use of names or trademarks that are too similar to ours. You therefore may not use an obvious variation of any of our marks or any phonetic equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation for a similar or compatible product or service. We would consider the following too similar to one of our Marks:
Tauri 钱包应用
¥Tauri Wallet App
¥Acceptable Uses
TAURI 是一个用于为计算设备制作应用的框架。你可以声称自己的应用使用了 TAURI,但应注意避免给人留下这样的印象:你的应用已获得 Commons Conservancy 内的 Tauri 计划的批准,或是一个官方应用。必须小心,不要使用默认 ICON 发送你的应用。
¥TAURI is a framework for making applications for computing devices. You may claim that your application uses TAURI, but care should be taken to avoid giving the impression that your application is approved by The Tauri Programme within the Commons Conservancy, or is an official application. Care must be taken, not to ship your application with the default ICON.
¥Plugins & Templates
你可以使用适当的命名约定发布插件和模板的代码,但请说明这些作品未获得官方批准。只有由 GitHub 组织 tauri-apps
¥You may publish the code for plugins and templates using the appropriate naming conventions, but please mention that these works are not officially approved. Only such codebases that are managed by the organization within the GitHub organization tauri-apps
are considered official.
核心修改 (分叉)
¥Core Modifications (Forks)
如果你分发我们软件 (TAURI CORE) 的修改版本,则必须从中删除我们所有的徽标和名称。你必须保留我们 SPDX 格式的原始许可证。你可以使用我们的字面量标记(但不能使用我们的徽标)来真实描述你提供的软件的来源。例如,如果你分发的代码是对我们的软件的修改,你可以说:“该软件源自 TAURI 软件的源代码。”
¥If you distribute a modified version of our software (TAURI CORE), you must remove all of our logos and naming from it. You must retain our original license in SPDX format. You may use our word marks, but not our logos, to truthfully describe the origin of the software that you are providing. For example, if the code you are distributing is a modification of our software, you may say, “This software is derived from the source code for TAURI software.”
¥Statements About Compatibility
¥You may use the word marks, but not the logos, to truthfully describe the relationship between your software and ours. Any other use may imply that we have certified or approved your software. If you wish to use our logos, please contact us to discuss license terms.
¥Naming Compatible Products
如果你想参考 TAURI 软件描述你的产品,以下是你可以这样做的条件。只有在以下情况下,你才可以将自己的软件称为 TAURI 的 XYZ(其中 XYZ 是你的产品名称):
¥If you wish to describe your product with reference to the TAURI software, here are the conditions under which you may do so. You may call your software XYZ (where XYZ is your product name) for TAURI only if:
你随产品交付的所有版本的 TAURI 软件都是我们提供的精确二进制文件,或由我们提供的核心软件和工具制造。
¥All versions of the TAURI software you deliver with your product are the exact binaries provided by us, or manufactured by the core software and tooling we provide.
你的产品与 TAURI 软件的 API 完全兼容。
¥Your product is fully compatible with the APIs for the TAURI software.
你在营销材料或产品描述中使用以下图例:“TAURI 是 Commons Conservancy 内 Tauri 计划的商标。 ”
¥You use the following legend in marketing materials or product descriptions: “TAURI is a trademark of The Tauri Programme within the Commons Conservancy. ”
¥User Groups
¥You can use the Word Marks as part of your user group name provided that:
¥The main focus of the group is our software
¥The group does not make a profit
¥Any charge to attend meetings are to cover the cost of the venue, food and drink only
¥You are not authorized to conduct a conference using our marks.
¥No Domain Names
¥You must not register any domain that includes our word marks or any variant or combination of them.
其他 TAURI 标记的营利使用
¥Other For Profit Usage of the TAURI Marks
如果你正在制作视频、教程系列、书籍或其他教育材料,并通过订阅、销售、广告等方式获得报酬,那么你必须从 Commons Conservancy 内的 Tauri 计划获得明确的许可。
¥If you are making a video, tutorial series, book, or other educational material, for which you are receiving payment through subscriptions, sales, advertising or the like, then you must acquire explicit licensing permission from The Tauri Programme within the Commons Conservancy.
¥How to Display Our Marks
¥When you have the right to use our mark, here is how to display it.
¥Trademark Marking and Legends
网页、文档或文档中第一次或最显眼的标记应附带一个符号,表明该标记是注册商标(“®”)还是未注册商标(“™”)。如果你不知道哪种情况适用,请联系我们。(TAURI 本身是注册商标。)
¥The first or most prominent mention of a mark on a webpage, document, or documentation should be accompanied by a symbol indicating whether the mark is a registered trademark (“®”) or an unregistered trademark (“™”). If you don’t know which applies, contact us. (TAURI itself is a registered trademark.)
在你使用标记的页面底部放置以下通知:TAURI 是 [Commons Conservancy 内的 Tauri 计划] 的商标。”
¥Place the following notice at the foot of the page where you have used the mark: TAURI is trademark of [The Tauri Programme within the Commons Conservancy].”
¥Use of Trademarks in Text
¥Always use trademarks in their exact form with the correct spelling, neither abbreviated, hyphenated, or combined with any other word or words.
¥Unacceptable: TAUREE
¥Acceptable: TAURI
¥Don’t pluralize a trademark.
不可接受:我的电脑上运行着 17 个 TAURI。
¥Unacceptable: I have seventeen TAURIs running on my computer.
可接受:我在我的电脑上运行着 17 个 TAURI 应用,并且有多余的内存。
¥Acceptable: I am running seventeen TAURI applications on my computer and have ram to spare.
¥Always use a trademark as an adjective modifying a noun.
不可接受:这是 TAURI。
¥Unacceptable: This is a TAURI.
可接受:这是一个 TAURI 软件应用。
¥Acceptable: This is a TAURI software application.
¥Use of Logos
¥You may not change any logo except to scale it. This means you may not add decorative elements, change the colors, change the proportions, distort it, add elements, or combine it with other logos.
¥We have a high-contrast version of the logo, which you can download below in the assets section.
你可以在此处下载整个 品牌指南 - (PDF, 74.3 MB)
¥Here you may download the entire Brand Guidelines - (PDF, 74.3 MB)
你可以在此处下载 Logopack 中的 LOGO 和 Wordmark 的 SVG 和 PNG 格式 - (ZIP, 203 KB)
¥Here you may download SVG and PNG formats of the LOGO and Wordmark in the Logopack - (ZIP, 203 KB)
Commons Conservancy 内的 Tauri 计划保留随时修改这些商标指南的所有权利。如果你有疑问或咨询,请发送电子邮件至
¥The Tauri Programme within the Commons Conservancy retains all rights to the modification of these trademark guidelines at any time. If you have a question or enquiry, please send an email to
这些准则基于 提供的示范商标准则,根据 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported 许可证使用:。版本 1.0,日期为 2022 年 8 月 20 日
¥These guidelines are based on the Model Trademark Guidelines, available at, used under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license: Version 1.0 dated 20th, August 2022
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