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使用 CrabNebula Cloud 分发

CrabNebula 是 Tauri 的官方合作伙伴,为 Tauri 应用提供服务和工具。CrabNebula 云 是一个应用分发平台,可与 Tauri 更新程序无缝集成。

¥CrabNebula is an official Tauri partner providing services and tooling for Tauri applications. The CrabNebula Cloud is a platform for application distribution that seamlessly integrates with the Tauri updater.

云提供内容分发网络 (CDN),能够在全球范围内交付你的应用安装程序和更新,同时具有成本效益并公开下载指标。

¥The Cloud offers a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that is capable of shipping your application installers and updates globally while being cost effective and exposing download metrics.

使用 CrabNebula Cloud 服务,可以轻松实现多个发布渠道、应用网站的下载按钮等。

¥With the CrabNebula Cloud service it is simple to implement multiple release channels, download buttons for your application website and more.

设置 Tauri 应用以使用云非常简单:你需要做的就是使用你的 GitHub 账户登录 云网站,创建你的组织和应用并安装其 CLI 以创建版本并上传 Tauri 包。此外,还提供了 GitHub Action 来简化在 GitHub 工作流上使用 CLI 的过程。

¥Setting up your Tauri app to use the Cloud is easy: all you need to do is to sign in to the Cloud website using your GitHub account, create your organization and application and install its CLI to create a release and upload the Tauri bundles. Additionally, a GitHub Action is provided to simplify the process of using the CLI on GitHub workflows.

有关更多信息,请参阅 CrabNebula Cloud 文档

¥For more information, see the CrabNebula Cloud documentation.

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