Tauri 提供了许多选项来自定义应用窗口的外观。你可以创建自定义标题栏、使用透明窗口、强制执行大小限制等。
¥Tauri provides lots of options for customizing the look and feel of your app’s window. You can create custom titlebars, have transparent windows, enforce size constraints, and more.
¥There are three ways to change the window configuration:
¥Creating a Custom Titlebar
¥A common use of these window features is creating a custom titlebar. This short tutorial will guide you through that process.
:::note 注意
对于 macOS,使用自定义标题栏也会丢失系统提供的一些功能,例如 移动或对齐窗口。自定义标题栏但保留原生功能的另一种方法是使标题栏透明并设置窗口背景颜色。参见 (macOS)带有自定义窗口背景颜色的透明标题栏 的使用方法。
¥For macOS, using a custom titlebar will also lose some features provided by the system, such as moving or aligning the window. Another approach to customizing the titlebar but keeping native functions could be making the titlebar transparent and setting the window background color. See the usage (macOS) Transparent Titlebar with Custom Window Background Color.
在你的 tauri.conf.json
中将 decorations
设置为 false
¥Set decorations
to false
in your tauri.conf.json
"tauri": { "windows": [ { "decorations": false } ]}
¥Add window permissions in capability file.
默认情况下,所有插件命令都被阻止并且无法访问。你必须在 capabilities
¥By default, all plugin commands are blocked and cannot be accessed. You must define a list of permissions in your capabilities
有关更详细的说明,请参阅 功能概述。
¥See the Capabilities Overview for more information and the step by step guide to use plugin permissions.
{ "$schema": "../gen/schemas/desktop-schema.json", "identifier": "main-capability", "description": "Capability for the main window", "windows": ["main"], "permissions": ["core:window:default", "core:window:allow-start-dragging"]}
权限 | 描述 |
core:window:default | 插件的默认权限。除 window:allow-start-dragging 外。 |
core:window:allow-close | 启用 close 命令,没有任何预配置范围。 |
core:window:allow-minimize | 启用 minimal 命令,没有任何预配置范围。 |
core:window:allow-start-dragging | 启用 start_dragging 命令,无需任何预配置范围。 |
core:window:allow-toggle-maximize | 启用 toggle_maximize 命令,无需任何预配置范围。 |
core:window:allow-internal-toggle-maximize | 启用 internal_toggle_maximize 命令,没有任何预配置范围。 |
添加此 CSS 示例以将其保持在屏幕顶部并设置按钮样式:
¥Add this CSS sample to keep it at the top of the screen and style the buttons:
.titlebar { height: 30px; background: #329ea3; user-select: none; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0;}.titlebar-button { display: inline-flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: 30px; height: 30px; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none;}.titlebar-button:hover { background: #5bbec3;}
将其放在 <body>
¥Put this at the top of your <body>
<div data-tauri-drag-region class="titlebar"> <div class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-minimize"> <img src="https://api.iconify.design/mdi:window-minimize.svg" alt="minimize" /> </div> <div class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-maximize"> <img src="https://api.iconify.design/mdi:window-maximize.svg" alt="maximize" /> </div> <div class="titlebar-button" id="titlebar-close"> <img src="https://api.iconify.design/mdi:close.svg" alt="close" /> </div></div>
¥Note that you may need to move the rest of your content down so that the titlebar doesn’t cover it.
¥Use this code snippet to make the buttons work:
import { getCurrentWindow } from '@tauri-apps/api/window';
// when using `"withGlobalTauri": true`, you may use// const { getCurrentWindow } = window.__TAURI__.window;
const appWindow = getCurrentWindow();
document .getElementById('titlebar-minimize') ?.addEventListener('click', () => appWindow.minimize());document .getElementById('titlebar-maximize') ?.addEventListener('click', () => appWindow.toggleMaximize());document .getElementById('titlebar-close') ?.addEventListener('click', () => appWindow.close());
请注意,如果你使用基于 Rust 的前端,则可以将上述代码复制到 index.html
文件中的 <script>
¥Note that if you are using a Rust-based frontend, you can copy the code above into a <script>
element in your index.html
:::note 注意
will only work on the element to which it is directly applied. If you want the drag behavior to apply to child elements as well, you’ll need to add it to each child individually.
¥This behavior is preserved so that interactive elements like buttons and inputs can function properly.
手动实现 data-tauri-drag-region
¥Manual Implementation of data-tauri-drag-region
对于自定义拖动行为的用例,你可以手动使用 window.startDragging
添加事件监听器,而不是使用 data-tauri-drag-region
¥For use cases where you customize the drag behavior, you can manually add an event listener with window.startDragging
instead of using data-tauri-drag-region
从上一节的代码中,我们删除了 data-tauri-drag-region
并添加了 id
¥From the code in the previous section, we remove data-tauri-drag-region
and add an id
<div data-tauri-drag-region class="titlebar"> <div id="titlebar" class="titlebar"> <!-- ... --> </div></div>
¥Add an event listener to the titlebar element:
// ...document.getElementById('titlebar')?.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => { if (e.buttons === 1) { // Primary (left) button e.detail === 2 ? appWindow.toggleMaximize() // Maximize on double click : appWindow.startDragging(); // Else start dragging }});
¥(macOS) Transparent Titlebar with Custom Window Background Color
我们将创建主窗口并从 Rust 端更改其背景颜色。
¥We are going to create the main window and change its background color from the Rust side.
从 tauri.conf.json
¥Remove the main window from the tauri.conf.json
"tauri": { "windows": [ { "title": "Transparent Titlebar Window", "width": 800, "height": 600 } ],}
将 cocoa
包添加到依赖,以便我们可以使用它来调用 macOS 原生 API:
¥Add cocoa
crate to dependencies so that we can use it to call the macOS native API:
[target."cfg(target_os = \"macos\")".dependencies]cocoa = "0.26"
¥Create the main window and change its background color:
use tauri::{TitleBarStyle, WebviewUrl, WebviewWindowBuilder};
pub fn run() { tauri::Builder::default() .setup(|app| { let win_builder = WebviewWindowBuilder::new(app, "main", WebviewUrl::default()) .title("Transparent Titlebar Window") .inner_size(800.0, 600.0);
// set transparent title bar only when building for macOS #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] let win_builder = win_builder.title_bar_style(TitleBarStyle::Transparent);
let window = win_builder.build().unwrap();
// set background color only when building for macOS #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] { use cocoa::appkit::{NSColor, NSWindow}; use cocoa::base::{id, nil};
let ns_window = window.ns_window().unwrap() as id; unsafe { let bg_color = NSColor::colorWithRed_green_blue_alpha_( nil, 50.0 / 255.0, 158.0 / 255.0, 163.5 / 255.0, 1.0, ); ns_window.setBackgroundColor_(bg_color); } }
Ok(()) }) .run(tauri::generate_context!()) .expect("error while running tauri application");}
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