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Tauri 中文网


Tauri 考虑到了可扩展性。在此页面上,你将找到:

¥Tauri comes with extensibility in mind. On this page you’ll find:

  • 功能:内置 Tauri 特性和功能

    ¥Features: Built-in Tauri features and functionality

  • 社区资源:Tauri 社区构建的更多插件和秘诀

    ¥Community Resources: More plugins and recipes built by the Tauri community




¥Community Resources






¥Support Table

将鼠标悬停在 ”*” 上以查看注释。有关更多详细信息,请访问插件页面

¥Hover ”*” to see notes. For more details visit the plugin page

Plugin Rust Version androidioslinuxmacoswindows
autostart 1.77.2
barcode-scanner 1.77.2
biometric 1.77.2
cli 1.77.2
clipboard-manager 1.77.2
deep-link 1.77.2
dialog 1.77.2
fs 1.77.2
geolocation 1.77.2
global-shortcut 1.77.2
haptics 1.77.2
http 1.77.2
localhost 1.77.2
log 1.77.2
nfc 1.77.2
notification 1.77.2
opener 1.77.2
os 1.77.2
persisted-scope 1.77.2
positioner 1.77.2
process 1.77.2
shell 1.77.2
single-instance 1.77.2
sql 1.77.2
store 1.77.2
stronghold 1.77.2
updater 1.77.2
upload 1.77.2
websocket 1.77.2
window-state 1.77.2
system-tray 1.77.2
window-customization 1.77.2

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