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命令行接口 (CLI)

Tauri 使你的应用能够通过 clap(一个强大的命令行参数解析器)拥有 CLI。使用 tauri.conf.json 文件中的简单 CLI 定义,你可以定义你的接口并读取其参数匹配在 JavaScript 和/或 Rust 上的映射。

¥Tauri enables your app to have a CLI through clap, a robust command line argument parser. With a simple CLI definition in your tauri.conf.json file, you can define your interface and read its argument matches map on JavaScript and/or Rust.


¥Supported Platforms

This plugin requires a Rust version of at least 1.77.2

Platform Level Notes
  • Windows

    • 由于操作系统限制,生产应用默认无法将文本写回调用控制台。请查看 tauri#8305 以了解解决方法。

      ¥Due to an OS limitation, production apps are not able to write text back to the calling console by default. Please check out tauri#8305 for a workaround.



安装 CLI 插件以开始使用。

¥Install the CLI plugin to get started.


¥Use your project’s package manager to add the dependency:

npm run tauri add cli


¥Base Configuration

tauri.conf.json 下,你有以下结构来配置接口:

¥Under tauri.conf.json, you have the following structure to configure the interface:

"plugins": {
"cli": {
"description": "Tauri CLI Plugin Example",
"args": [
"short": "v",
"name": "verbose",
"description": "Verbosity level"
"subcommands": {
"run": {
"description": "Run the application",
"args": [
"name": "debug",
"description": "Run application in debug mode"
"name": "release",
"description": "Run application in release mode"

:::note 注意

此处的所有 JSON 配置都只是示例,为了清晰起见,省略了许多其他字段。

¥All JSON configurations here are just samples, many other fields have been omitted for the sake of clarity.



¥Adding Arguments

args 数组表示其命令或子命令接受的参数列表。

¥The args array represents the list of arguments accepted by its command or subcommand.


¥Positional Arguments


¥A positional argument is identified by its position in the list of arguments. With the following configuration:

"args": [
"name": "source",
"index": 1,
"takesValue": true
"name": "destination",
"index": 2,
"takesValue": true

用户可以将你的应用作为 ./app tauri.txt dest.txt 运行,arg matches map 将 source 定义为 "tauri.txt"destination 定义为 "dest.txt"

¥Users can run your app as ./app tauri.txt dest.txt and the arg matches map will define source as "tauri.txt" and destination as "dest.txt".


¥Named Arguments

命名参数是一个 (键,值) 对,其中键标识值。使用以下配置:

¥A named argument is a (key, value) pair where the key identifies the value. With the following configuration:

"args": [
"name": "type",
"short": "t",
"takesValue": true,
"multiple": true,
"possibleValues": ["foo", "bar"]

用户可以将你的应用作为 ./app --type foo bar./app -t foo -t bar./app --type=foo,bar 运行,arg matches map 将 type 定义为 ["foo", "bar"]

¥Users can run your app as ./app --type foo bar, ./app -t foo -t bar or ./app --type=foo,bar and the arg matches map will define type as ["foo", "bar"].


¥Flag Arguments


¥A flag argument is a standalone key whose presence or absence provides information to your application. With the following configuration:

"args": [
"name": "verbose",
"short": "v"

用户可以将你的应用作为 ./app -v -v -v./app --verbose --verbose --verbose./app -vvv 运行,arg matches map 将 verbose 定义为 trueoccurrences = 3

¥Users can run your app as ./app -v -v -v, ./app --verbose --verbose --verbose or ./app -vvv and the arg matches map will define verbose as true, with occurrences = 3.



一些 CLI 应用具有作为子命令的附加接口。例如,git CLI 有 git branchgit commitgit push。你可以使用 subcommands 数组定义其他嵌套接口:

¥Some CLI applications have additional interfaces as subcommands. For instance, the git CLI has git branch, git commit and git push. You can define additional nested interfaces with the subcommands array:

"cli": {
"subcommands": {
"branch": {
"args": []
"push": {
"args": []

其配置与根应用配置相同,具有 descriptionlongDescriptionargs 等。

¥Its configuration is the same as the root application configuration, with the description, longDescription, args, etc.



CLI 插件在 JavaScript 和 Rust 中均可用。

¥The CLI plugin is available in both JavaScript and Rust.

import { getMatches } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-cli';
// when using `"withGlobalTauri": true`, you may use
// const { getMatches } = window.__TAURI__.cli;
const matches = await getMatches();
if (matches.subcommand?.name === 'run') {
// `./your-app run $ARGS` was executed
const args = matches.subcommand.matches.args;
if (args.debug?.value === true) {
// `./your-app run --debug` was executed
if (args.release?.value === true) {
// `./your-app run --release` was executed



默认情况下,所有潜在危险的插件命令和范围都会被阻止,无法访问。你必须修改 capabilities 配置中的权限才能启用这些权限。

¥By default all potentially dangerous plugin commands and scopes are blocked and cannot be accessed. You must modify the permissions in your capabilities configuration to enable these.

有关更详细的说明,请参阅 功能概述

¥See the Capabilities Overview for more information and the step by step guide to use plugin permissions.

"$schema": "../gen/schemas/desktop-schema.json",
"identifier": "main-capability",
"description": "Capability for the main window",
"windows": ["main"],
"permissions": ["cli:default"]

Default Permission

Allows reading the CLI matches

  • allow-cli-matches

Permission Table

Identifier Description


Enables the cli_matches command without any pre-configured scope.


Denies the cli_matches command without any pre-configured scope.

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