¥Permissions are descriptions of explicit privileges of commands.
[[permission]]identifier = "my-identifier"description = "This describes the impact and more."commands.allow = [ "read_file"]
[[scope.allow]]my-scope = "$HOME/*"
[[scope.deny]]my-scope = "$HOME/secret"
它可以使命令在 Tauri 应用的前端可访问。它可以将范围映射到命令并定义启用哪些命令。权限可以启用或拒绝某些命令,定义范围或将两者结合起来。
¥It can enable commands to be accessible in the frontend of a Tauri application. It can map scopes to commands and defines which commands are enabled. Permissions can enable or deny certain commands, define scopes or combine both.
¥Permissions can be grouped as a set under a new identifier. This is called a permission set. This allows you to combine scope related permissions with command related permissions. It also allows to group or bundle operating specific permissions into more usable sets.
¥As a plugin developer you can ship multiple, pre-defined, well named permissions for all of your exposed commands.
¥As an application developer you can extend existing plugin permissions or define them for your own commands. They can be grouped or extended in a set to be re-used or to simplify the main configuration files later.
¥Permission Identifier
¥The permissions identifier is used to ensure that permissions can be re-used and have unique names.
:::tip 提示
对于名称,我们指的是没有 tauri-plugin-
¥With name we refer to the plugin crate name without the tauri-plugin-
This is meant as namespacing to reduce likelihood of naming conflicts.
When referencing permissions of the application itself it is not necessary.
Indicates the permission is the default for a plugin or application -
Indicates the permission is for an individual command
插件前缀 tauri-plugin-
¥The plugin prefix tauri-plugin-
will be automatically prepended to the identifier of plugins
at compile time and is not required to be manually specified.
标识符仅限于 ASCII 小写字母字符 [a-z]
,并且标识符的最大长度目前由于以下常量而限制为 116
¥Identifiers are limited to ASCII lower case alphabetic characters [a-z]
and the maximum length
of the identifier is currently limited to 116
due to the following constants:
const IDENTIFIER_SEPARATOR: u8 = b':';const PLUGIN_PREFIX: &str = "tauri-plugin-";
// https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#the-name-fieldconst MAX_LEN_PREFIX: usize = 64 - PLUGIN_PREFIX.len();const MAX_LEN_BASE: usize = 64;const MAX_LEN_IDENTIFIER: usize = MAX_LEN_PREFIX + 1 + MAX_LEN_BASE;
¥Configuration Files
Tauri 插件目录结构的简化示例:
¥Simplified example of an example Tauri plugin directory structure:
tauri-plugin├── README.md├── src│ └── lib.rs├── build.rs├── Cargo.toml├── permissions│ └── <identifier>.json/toml│ └── default.json/toml
默认权限以特殊方式处理,因为它会自动添加到应用配置中,只要使用 Tauri CLI 向 Tauri 应用添加插件即可。
¥The default permission is handled in a special way, as it is automatically added to the application configuration, as long as the Tauri CLI is used to add plugins to a Tauri application.
¥For application developers the structure is similar:
tauri-app├── index.html├── package.json├── src├── src-tauri│ ├── Cargo.toml│ ├── permissions│ └── <identifier>.toml| ├── capabilities│ └── <identifier>.json/.toml│ ├── src│ ├── tauri.conf.json
:::note 注意
作为应用开发者,功能文件可以用 json
或 toml
编写,而权限只能用 toml
¥As an application developer the capability files can be written in json
or toml
whereas permissions only can be defined in toml
来自 File System
¥Example permissions from the File System
[[permission]]identifier = "scope-home"description = """This scope permits access to all files andlist content of top level directories in the `$HOME`folder."""
[[scope.allow]]path = "$HOME/*"
[[permission]]identifier = "read-files"description = """This enables all file read relatedcommands without any pre-configured accessible paths."""commands.allow = [ "read_file", "read", "open", "read_text_file", "read_text_file_lines", "read_text_file_lines_next"]
[[permission]]identifier = "allow-mkdir"description = "This enables the mkdir command."commands.allow = [ "mkdir"]
¥Example implementation extending above plugin permissions in your app:
[[set]]identifier = "allow-home-read-extended"description = """ This allows non-recursive read access to files and to create directoriesin the `$HOME` folder."""permissions = [ "fs:read-files", "fs:scope-home", "fs:allow-mkdir"]
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