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Leptos 是一个基于 Rust 的 Web 框架。你可以在 Leptos 的 官方网站 上阅读有关其的更多信息。本指南适用于 Leptos 0.6 版。

¥Leptos is a Rust based web framework. You can read more about Leptos on their official website. This guide is accurate as of Leptos version 0.6.



  • 使用 SSG,Tauri 不正式支持基于服务器的解决方案。

    ¥Use SSG, Tauri doesn’t officially support server based solutions.

  • 使用 serve.ws_protocol = "ws" 以便热重载 websocket 可以正确连接以进行移动开发。

    ¥Use serve.ws_protocol = "ws" so that the hot-reload websocket can connect properly for mobile development.

  • 启用 withGlobalTauri 以确保 Tauri API 在 window.__TAURI__ 变量中可用,并且可以使用 wasm-bindgen 导入。

    ¥Enable withGlobalTauri to ensure that Tauri APIs are available in the window.__TAURI__ variable and can be imported using wasm-bindgen.


¥Example Configuration

  1. Update Tauri configuration
    "build": {
    "beforeDevCommand": "trunk serve",
    "devUrl": "http://localhost:1420",
    "beforeBuildCommand": "trunk build",
    "frontendDist": "../dist"
    "app": {
    "withGlobalTauri": true
  2. Update Trunk configuration
    target = "./index.html"
    ignore = ["./src-tauri"]
    port = 1420
    open = false
    ws_protocol = "ws"

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